Ok well first I guess we start out with me. Everyone here knows me so there isn't really much to talk about. But this is a cool picture...I thought I looked Austriallian in it. And we went to a dance and I introduced myself to this group of girls as Steve Irwin in an Austriallian accent but then quickly went back to my regular voice and introduced myself for real.
This is Kyle. I haven't really met Kyle fully but he is part of our posse. He's from Idaho and he's cool. He hangs around and he's cool with us.
This is Mac. He's from Montana. Mac is probably the oddest and craziest kid I've ever met. He isn't odd in a hating way. He's odd in a cool, friendly way. He went on a mission, but I forget where. He loves to give everyone massages which he gave me one on my head and it was eerily comfortable. I was a creeped out though so. He's funny and does really crazy, off the wall things. But he is engaged so he's leagues ahead of us. Mac is awesome! I like him!
This is Sam. He is from Mississippi, I think, I kinda forgot. He went on a mission to Portugal, he's also way into art. Actually seen his drawings and stuff....pretty impressed.
This is Jens. He's from Virginia and he is freakin amazing at Guitar. Like it's crazy how good he is at it. He played Thunderstuck and all these crazy things. He is playing right now as I am typing and it is awesome.
This is Christian. He is from Chicago. He's laid back and all and he actually plays Frisbee Golf. Him and I will try and go play a course in Idaho Falls sometime when we can, see who's better.
This is Mike. He's from Virginia. He's really crazy. He's the one that had the bird and wanted to craemate it and did and he's the one that started our little illegal fish fighting gang, which really hasn't done much becuase Mike says only Betas are allowed and only he some. He has 2 which one is mine because I paid for it and everything. He also had a X-Box 360 so he's gonna be the guy I'm gonna hang around a lot when he gets Halo 3.
This is Brian. He's from Sacremento. He's a fricken baller and plays Football and all this stuff. He's like all sports and all that...and is fricken ghetto. He's cool thought.
This is Blake. He's from Louisiana. He's crazy too. For some reason to me, he seems all cool and stuff but then it seems like he trys to act too cool and then it just gets annoying and like he becomes all like weird and different. But he's cool. I like Blake!
This is Andrew. Andrew is my roommate. He's from outside D.C. and he's sick tight. He's a drummer, said he's drummed for like 8 years or something. Him and I are tight with each other.
This is Taylor. He's from Louisiana also. He's cool and all laid back. He like seems Ghetto but then I don't think he is at all. He brought a car here which is a 98 Camero Z28? or something. He's cool though!
So this is my posse that I've been hanging out with since day 1 of BYU-I. And these are also the guys that I've been doing a lot of wild and crazy this with like the bird craemation and all that. But I am having fun up here. All these guys live at the end of the hallway as we do and so yeah. And so that's it. That's my group, that's who I hang with and have all the fun with. And if we can maybe I'll try and do a Def Leppard thing with or something....kinda depends on what people wanna do.
Later on in the semester....I think it was after they read this post....my friends started calling this "posse"....The Brady Bunch Posse....I think it might have gotten a little out of hand but whatever.