Sunday, January 27, 2008
My Mission Farewell Talk (Day: New Beginnings)
And then there is a party afterwards at my house on 6515 West Bull River Road in Highland, Utah 84003. And if you can't find it on Google Map or anything....I'll drive to church and you guys can follow me back to my house. All are invited to that too afterwards!!!!!!!!!
Anyone that wants to or can come....please come. More people that come the more support I feel like I have and the more excited I will be to leave on April 8th to Cape Town, South Africa for 2 years!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, January 18, 2008
CLOVERFIELD (Day: January)
OK well to have some fun and just to see if I am any good at this (because I think doing reviews along with personally making movies and writing articles about sports games would be fun) I am going to do my own little personal review about this movie.
I just saw it a while ago and it was good. I liked it a lot actually. But when I got out of it I did have a weird feeling in me about the movie. It is an intense and insane movie where you get out and scratch your head about to think about if you liked it or not. I liked it enough I wanna go see it again but there are certain people I would take with me to go see it a second time because it has some squeamish parts to it and it is kind of a little disturbing.
Anyways so the movie is about a monster that attacks Manhattan....hopefully I spelled that right. Now before I saw this I watched a little web cam movie where J.J. Abram was talking about this movie and the point of it. He said, and this was at the Comic Con Convention last summer, that he thought up the movie or the movie was thought up, if it wasn't personally him that thought it up, after a vacation in Japan. And he saw lots of Godzilla toys and things and started thinking that America needed it's own monster to compare with Godzilla and King Kong and everything. And this monster was awesome and scary. I liked it. Would love to see it and Godzilla go at it.
Anyways the movie is all shot from the perspective of a personal video camera and for me like it was cool watching it just because of all the movies I have made with my video camera and watching those tapes over again and then seeing to me it felt like the same way I would have probably shot it if I was there in person. It was shaky and everything and I sat at the very front and it didn't bug me but for some of my friends it bugged if you get motion sick....go early so you don't get stuck up front.
So the movie was good and it had some jokes in it and like it really felt like you were watching this right after someone filmed it with their own camera because they were there.
So that is about it.....aside from the little spoilers I am going to do. So if you wanna go see it and don't really want anything ruined just stop here and give your own little opinion on my review if you want.
And the weird Spider type creature from Star Wars: Attack of the Clones (Episode 2):
(The Big Blue One with the Point Legs)
But then it kind of had a whale's tail on it too because it was an ocean monster.....and it has gills that you see it breathing from around the end of the movie
And then the monster has kids which looks like a cross of those 2 creatures plus a third which is the evil little boom box robot from Transformers:

So then that is the creatures. Now there were 2 parts of the movie that were weird for me in a few ways that are kind of the reason that I got done with the movie and felt weird. One was right after the monster first came out and attacked. Some buildings blow up and this dust storm brushes through the streets, but you see it from inside a grocery store from the personal video camera perspective, and then they go outside to see what happened and everything looks exactly like it did after 9/11 and the Towers fell. Now I mean I was like "!" because it surprised me that they did that....and it wasn't a huge deal to me personally but I leaned to a friend and said "I wonder like if that made people over in New York feel uneasy a little because it looked like that....especially anyone that knew someone that died in all that." And so that was that scene.
Then there was one scene where the survivor people are walking through the subway and then after a while some of the baby monster people attack and one girl gets bitten. Now you think when someone gets bitten by a monster it is bad but you don't know really how bad it will end up being.....just that it will be bad. Well anyways after a while they try to treat it which they think they did as well as they could for now and then they decided to keep moving and walk on. Well then the girl says she feels dizzy as they are walking through a mall. Well they are going to chill when the army finds them and takes them to a camp. So they go to the camp to figure everything out and make up a plan for the main part of the movie.....which that I won't I guess you'll have to see the movie in a way anyways. But while they are there they film everything that is going on and so you see people running around and treating people and all that and they wheel this soldier by that it looks like his stomach exploded. And they say all this stuff about the monster babies attacking them. Well then it goes to the girl that got bitten and she is like bleeding from her nose and eye and she talks about how she still doesn't feel good and then people notice her and scream that she is a victim that got bitten and they talk about quarantining her and everything and they drag her away kicking and screaming and then it shows them take her into this tent and like all this weird noise and everything happens and then she just like explodes and you see blood all over.
Right after that you don't feel real hungry at all and you are creeped out and it's all just weird.
My friend and I were talking about it when the movie was over and he thinks that like her stomach exploded like the soldier dude's because they say something about the soldier dude getting bitten but what was weird was like when they showed her scene like one minute she is there the next minute she is gone and you see her explode and hear a weird like gargling and popping sound and there is blood all over the inside of the tent and that is that.
It was all just really weird.
I am actually glad "in a way" that the girl ended up exploding, not like that happening was good to see at all or anything, but like I remember seeing that part in the trailer up until she actually explodes....and when I saw that part I thought like it was just them walking by a tent and like people like took a knife or something to someone to try and get something for a minute I thought they were going to do something stupid and like rip off the movie Alien and have like the monster babies like attack people and then more monster babies come but they pop out of people's guts or something like that from their bites or something. So I was happy that they didn't do that. But the scene was weird all together so I don't know if I liked that part at all anyways.
Like I said it was good and I wanna see it again but I got out feeling really weird and trying to think about how I should feel and think about this movie.
I think if I get the chance I will see it again but definitely watch it over and over a few times on DVD.....if I haven't left on my mission yet by the time it comes out......which probably isn't likely.
So anyways for everyone that just read the spoilers....if you wanna go see it....I say go see it and if you don't then that's fine.
I think it is worth the time and money but whatever.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
The mission and 19th Birthday draw closer. (Day: January 16th)
Anyways so I leave Salt Lake City International at 2:40 pm on the 8th and I fly to Chicago where I land, with a couple of other missionaries who I guess are going to the same mission as me or something, at 6:40 pm. This will be fun even if it is short since it will be my first time to Chicago. If I can I might try and buy a little easy to keep around me for 2 years, non-breakable souvenior and take some pictures of me around the airport and of as much of the city as I can. So then at 8:25 pm I leave on British Airways to London. We get to London at 10 am on April 9th. This will also be cool since it will be my 3rd time outside the country and first time to Europe and London. So I can cross that goal off my list of things to do before I die. We are in London ALL DAY! And when I say ALL DAY....I MEAN ALL DAY!!!!!!! We don't leave to South Africa till 9:05 that night. Now MY that either they will say something to us that will allow us to explore London or that people over in London will hear about us and some local Missionaries will come and pick us up and show us around till we have to be back to fly to Africa.....BECAUSE EVEN WITH OTHER MISSIONARIES....I DON'T WANT TO BE STUCK IN LONDON'S AIRPORT ALL DAY WHEN I CAN BE OUT CHECKING OUT ONE OF THE WORLD'S COOLEST CITIES!!!!!!!! My dad says I'll be stuck in there....others agree and disagree with him. I am the disagree people or one of them. We'll have to see. Personally my opinion is that even though I am a missionary...I don't know why I should just click into missionary mode while flying there and just be all excited about sitting in London's airport reading scriptures. Hate to say it people but that is not me.....yet! And that won't be fun.
Anyways so we leave London at 9:05 pm on April 9th and then we get to South Africa....Johannesburg at 9:15 am on April 10th. It says people will pick me or us up and take us to the MTC and then life as a missionary will begin.
Again along the way I hope to take pictures and lots of them. I will be in the MTC for 19 days I read and then I go to Cape Town. In the MTC they said they have limited resources and so they won't have e-mail so I might write my MTC address on here if people want to send me stuff but I haven't decided. So if I can, and I hope some how I will be able to, I will see if I can post on here still while out on my mission just any little cool stories and pictures. DO NOT COUNT ON IT.....BUT YOU NEVER KNOW.
Anyways then the only good news is that my 19th birthday is in a week and I am taking a Book of Mormon class up at BYU's Salt Lake Center along with New Testament and then I signed up for a Mission Prep class at UVSC or UVU or whatever it is now and then I am living at home with my parents and I have no job.....but I am hoping both of those things change soon and before I leave.....but we'll just have to wait and see...............
Anyways please wish me luck. It really helps me out and motivates me and I think I might need some. I've been feeling sick lately and it usually happens when I talk about or do stuff for my mission which is leading me to believe I am getting nervous about it. So any support or luck wishing might help out if me being nervous is really the case of what's going on with my little sickness lately.
Thanks for everything and hopefully you'll be able to hear from me somehow, someway when I get out there to South Africa either on here or facebook or e-mail or picasa or whatever.