Ok so I'm still not in Idaho but this is a post of our trip to Yellowstone which I found out is close to Rexburg so I think it should count for something. Plus I wanted to talk about this trip and another trip that I took but the other trip I took I am gonna see if I can talk about after I get some pictures from it from my Aunt. We'll see. Anyways so my family and I went to Yellowstone for a Family Reunion on my mom's side. It was actually a fun and interesting trip although I suggest that if you are going to go see Old Faithful and wanna take pictures and stuff of it...don't do it at night.
Anyways so to just start our trip my mom, my sister, Casey, my 3rd oldest brother, Bryan, my brand new baby niece of about 6 months, Dotty, and I drove to the cabins my uncle was renting about 20 minutes outside the park...or amybe it was more, I honestly can't remember. Anyways so after about an 8 hour trip that should have been like 5 hours, with some stops at the Idaho Falls LDS Temple (I'm Mormon but I say LDS incase someone that isn't Mormon is reading this), Sonics in Idaho Falls for Shakes, BYU-Idaho Campus (my mom wanted to see it), the Rexburg LDS Temple (which looked more complete than the last time I saw it which was December 2006), and the gocery store in Rexburg (to get supplies for lunches for one of the days we were out there) we finally made it and just chilled out and hung with the family. Then later that night we went to go see Old Faithful, which was pretty sweet, and that was about it. We saw a Buffalo and a couple of Elk along the way. It was cool because one Elk we saw looked like a Doe so I guess it was a Female Elk (which I have no clue if it has a different name like a Female Deer does) and it was cool because I ended up being like 4 feet away from it and it had like a little tracker around it's neck.
Then on day 2, I was woken up by my family about going on a little cruise up a hill and then go canoeing. So I got up and got dressed and we went up this hill to check out the area and take pictures of us standing infront of this giant black soccerball looking thing which could have been a little telescope tower thingy but I am not at all sure what it really was. My almost 3 year old nephew Miles kept calling it a giant soccerball which it really did look like one. Anyways after that my eldest brother, Darin, and I drove over to this house where we ran into my unlce and aunt and some cousins who just went canoeing down the same river we were gonna go down. We went and helped load the canoes and went to where the launched off. We waited for out family which all came but my sister-in-law, Mary and Dotty that drove up with us, Dotty. They decided they didn't want to come which was probably a smart thing on her part. So we launch the canoes and just everyone picks a canoe and goes which ended up being my mom, Bryan, and I in one, my 4th oldest brother, Cory, and Casey in one, Darin and his wife, Suzy, and 2 kids, Daphne and Miles, in one, and my 2nd oldest brother, Dusten, and his wife, Nicole, with their 8 month old baby, Oliver, in her arms in the last. (this is Dusten and Nicole's version of this story if you wanna read it: http://loslesueur.blogspot.com/2007/08/good-ol-faithful.html) Anyways as we launched we noticed a little storm coming in but didn't think of it as being a huge deal. So we went and had fun, splashed each other, and I ate my lunch because everyone decided to eat lunch before coming on this little canoe adventure but I didn't and neither did Darin because we were the ones getting the canoes. So we went and went and Dusten and Nicole were a little far behind since he was the only one paddling because Nicole was holding Oliver so she couldn't really paddle. Well after a while that storm we saw ended up coming at us and it came in full fury. First it was light rain and we were like "Big deal!" and kept going. Then it turned into heavy rain which we decided to pull over and right as we hit land it turned to hail. We did everything we could to get shelter and have everyone happy. In the end though everyone was miserable and soaked except Dusten, Nicole, and Oliver. Dusten ended up taking the canoe and proping it up really quick while the rest of us were kind of runniny around like chickens with our heads cut off trying to figure out what to do next. The funny part of this whole thing though was that Oliver was just chilling out and having fun and seemed to be like "Oh this is no big deal!" and he just sat there all happy and curious while Miles and Daphne were as miserable as miserable can be. Miles was all wet and crying and was just hating the part of being in the rain. I just stood out in the open because I was all wet and cold anyway and figured there wasn't anything else I could do. Luckily I have a swimming suit on but my shirt was so soaked.
Finally after a while as the rain finally started calming down we decided to get back in the canoes and try and make it back before the rain started again. Dusten and my mom decided it would be better to go help out him and his family out in their canoe since I wasn't really helping in my Mom's and Bryan's canoe, and so they kicked me out of their canoe and put me in with Dusten. We went as fast as we could and after 30 or so minutes of canoeing and our arms and shoulders slightly hurting we made it to our destination, it was supposed to take like an hour and a half to get done but we just blew through everything so we wouldn't get stuck in the storm again if it decided to start up again, and pulled the canoes to shore and went home. Once we got home we decided to go jump in the jacuzze that was at the cabins. We were in there for a while till it was almost too hot to bare. Then we just chilled out and did whatever till people got done doing their stuff and got back and then we had a big BBQ with all of our relatives and everyone and then after that I went to my cabin to play some Wii cause one of my cousins brought his up to sell to another cousin and everything.
So our 3rd day was Sunday and that day pretty much everyone went home. All my cousins went home and everything while all my family and an unlce and his family went to a church service in town. It was interesting becuase this church had the building and then like a visitor building seperate of it which had a projector that was showing what was going on in the main building. So we went to that and then went back to the cabin and got dressed and went into the park again. The picture I have in here is a picture my mom took for me at a gas station that we stopped at in West Yellowstone. If any of you know Dusten and the pictures him and my brother Bill took, like the one I took and am showing at the top of this post, on our family crusie we took back in 2005 to the Caribbean you might get a good kick out of my picture. Yeah, Dusten started it and I stole the idea of it but I had to do this....it was so tempting to do. Anyways after getting stuff at the gas station like gas...we went into the park and saw more Elk...at least I think. Someone was calling them Mule Deer or something which I dunno if there is really a difference because they looked like the same 4 legged deer looking creatures we saw on the first day and when we first went into the park but whatever. Anyways we also stopped at some little geyser park places and then ended up at Old Faithful in time to see it go off. After that we decided to leave and Darin and his family decided to leave back to Utah from the park while Dusten and Cory and their families decided to go back to the Cabin with us and then leave from there back to Utah with their families. My mom, Casey, Bryan, and I stayed one more night just to leave the following morning to go home.
On the way home we stopped in Idaho Falls again to check out their museum there because on the way up we say that they had part of the Dead Sea Scrolls there and Bryan and my mom were way into that stuff. So we were there for a while and then ate at a deli and then went home and that was the end of our trip.
Sorry if that was a bit of a long post. You catch on after a while that I am a really deep and descriptive person when it comes to stories which works for me because I love to write stories and stuff. Anyways I have one more post I'll do probably, before I am officially up there in Idaho for school, which is of my last year at Family Camp until I get back from my LDS mission (I turn 19 in January and unless by luck they don't need me to go out till the end of August or Sepetmber after I turn 19, then this year was my last year at Family Camp)
But I am gonna try and hold out on writing that post till I get pictures from my aunt that she took but we'll just see what happens because she might not get around to giving us those pictures till December so...anyway whatever works out I'll just do. Hope you enjoyed reading this post. And I hope you guys enjoy reading all the post I right on here....but if you don't....that's cool....just don't tell me about it because I won't care. Anyways that's it!!!!! Peace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!