Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Teeth are of the Devil (Day: Pain)

So this is about a week late too but the pain is still there. I got my teeth pulled last Saturday. After taking Andrew and Sam home and hearing their "lovely" experiences about getting their teeth pulled along with other "lovely" expierences, I went to the dentist's office a little optimistic and nervous. I asked my dad questions and he could tell I had heard too many stories about what happens. Thanks all suck now! Anyways so I go in and first they hand me the remote to the TV installed in the roof of the I was pretty relaxed at that point. Spongebob Squarepants and ESPN helped me get through the whole thing. (Yeah....I still watch cartoons on occasion....especially when there is nothing better on TV to watch....and for noon time on a Saturday....that is about the best you can get) Anyways after that they gave me Nitrous gas which my dentist dude, named Curtis Smith....who was from my ward back in Highland....and still is, said was the stuff everyone calls Laughing gas but it has different affects on everyone. For made me relaxed, sleepy, and like I just wanted to lay there and do nothing. The assistant was like "It makes you feel like you don't care what people do to you right!?" I was thinking "! I care that you guys are gonna pull my teeth out but I also will just try and sleep or something so then I don't care what happens after that." I never fell asleep but I think I got close on occasion. Then came the shots....still hate shots but there was nothing I could do about it because everything was too relaxed to do anything about it. That hurt a bit but was just really annoying. Then they went to was interesting watch, and mostly trying to watch, tv and feeling just them push on my teeth here and like move their hands clockwise with a thing that looked like a screw driver and then pounding on my sideways tooth and all these different things. But yeah other than that everything went smooth. The odd part was when Dr. Smith, or Dent. Smith....I dunno which one it is, would take this screw driver looking tool...start making a screwing motion against my teeth and then pull up and then he was all done. And then the stranger part was the stitches. I could see the needle and thread and I saw hime go in and then pull out a few times and I was sitting there thinking "I know that should hurt....and yet it doesn't." Then it was all over. He told me he was gonna give me this antibiotic stuff and some Lortab. Then he called my dad in and said the same thing. Then he was like "Take it easy when you stand up because you are not all there..." or something like that. I honestly felt fine so I just stood up but my dad and Dr. or Dent. Smith came and like helped me like I was old or something. But I was like just moving around and felt good. Anyways my dad did all the paper work and I sat there with an ice pack on my cheek to make sure the swelling didn't go too bad and everything. I had some gosses put in me and a little zip lock bag handed to me and was told to switch them out every 45 minutes. Anyways we walked to the car and everything was fine. On the way home....talking to Dad was the funniest part. I kept saying Lortab and he thing I was saying other stuff. I kept feeling my lip because with the numbness it felt all someone decked me in the face or something. We made it home and I just chilled out. Then I went to a service project with my family later on in the day. We went and bought toys for some Middle Eastern Refugees that were here and other people too. Then we ate some pizza....which I did too. (Dr. or Dent. Smith called to check up on me before I left to see how I was, and I asked him what foods I could techniqually eat....he said if I wanted to I could eat soft foods but nothing hard like Chips or Bacon or whatever) Then we just chilled out. I finally held my newest baby Niece....Juliet. SHE IS THE TINIEST BABY I HAVE EVER SEEN!!!!!! And then life has gone on from there. I have been taking Lortabm every night since I got them and the Antibiotics every morning and night. My teeth are just finally starting to not hurt at all and the stitches are disolving in my mouth giving me an "awesome" taste to my tounge. (I keep brushing my teeth and using mouth wash to get rid of the taste but it won't stop.....the madness and the horror!!!!!!) And so life is good.

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